Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"Pleasure is the only thing to live for. Nothing ages like happiness."
-Oscar Wilde

I made a decision about taking on too many jobs. (Which I did last week, and updated my blog to reflect this, post-decisions. Don't want to drop undue names.) I have to work and move and look forward. Not backward. Regardless if I am not working full time right now, to settle on a job that won't bring me pleasure or at least provide a stepping stone towards my passions, is futile.

My fiance is the strongest and most grounding force in my life. Good for everything from pleasure to gut checks. He gut-checked me, gently of course. It opened my eyes a little, made me think, and I went with my feelings. No regrets.

It's a beautiful thing to have someone know your soul and show you the light when things get dark.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm not a fan of cliches, but...

When it rains, it pours! And when it comes to luck, money, ice cream, kittens, and jobs, you better believe that it's pouring goodness.

I better knock on wood, cross my fingers, rub a rabbits foot and say my prayers, but for the first time in 5 months, I have work to do...legitimate work!
Sorry, my domestic diva days with no children to tend to are hopefully done with. (Not that I disliked the things such as collecting unemployment, painting, learning Italian, meeting friends for lunch, or the constant anxiety about not having a job brought me; But man, I'd rather be working.)

The sun is out, the recession is simmering down (Enshallah), and I have myself lined up till the wedding! With a food writing gig (my ultimate dream job), brainless office work, and all the other things (Italian lessons, graphic design, wedding planning), I have booked my time solid I'd say.

I'm hoping that it goes as smoothly as that - but with life, you never know when you'll have to pull out the pooper-scooper and dig yourself out of a stinky situation. (Don't worry, I have gloves.)Let's hope for the best and make time to keep up with the Italian.
