There's something about holiday coffee drinks that make me grin. The whole experience of the holiday coffee drink is overwhelmingly wonderful. From walking into the coffee shop, only to be greeted by shiny do-dads, whizzles, and snowflakes, you are transported to a scene out of a Christmas movie. It's the best of cliches, and I will drink it up! Holiday tunes playing in the background, employees with their festive flair, and the food cases decked out with sugar cookies and gingerbread. (They are always dancing in my head too.)
It's not like coffee drinks were part of my childhood fall and winter experience, yet, the flavors are nostalgic and make me feel like I'm home. Maybe it's being in California and seeing palm trees in November that make me wonder if winter is almost here... but, I really miss the Colorado snow that signifies holiday time to me. So, the hints of eggnog, gingersnap, peppermint and nutmeg greet me with warm, comforting arms of milk and spices. Yes, I drink in the festive goodness and sink into my over-sized knit sweater.
Thank you Starbucks, Peet's, Tully's, and It's a Grind for making it feel a lot like Christmas.