There is a community garden at Fort Mason. It is fenced in and behind the buildings, so I think a lot of people miss it or think that it's private property. But, I have a secret... it's not. I figure I can make this announcement since I only have a few friends reading my blog and I trust you all to love and respect this place and not tell too many people. I like the fact that there is a solumn peacefulness to it.
This place is magic. It must be. The colors, the blooms of the flowers, the smells, the life - it's amazing. Every little plot is unique and bursting with different flowers, plants, and vegetables. I like to get lost amongst it all, a maze of garden jungle.
The reason I like this place so much is becasue it completely enthralls me. I am there fully. Smelling, feeling, exploring and in full consciousness of adoring each and every garden plot.
I like this place best early in the mornings when the fog is still cradling the bay. I can walk around the garden and be the only one there. And there is something about smelling a flower on its vine in a garden at dawn that is so pure and untainted by the rest of the day.
I also ;ove coming here with my husband. It turns us into to kids, pointing to the plants and flowers that capture our imagination.
Yes, this is my favorite spot in the city.