I like the rain. The pureness, the power, the way it cleans and washes away the old and dusty.
It's form; too many drops to count, but each one transforming the object it touches. Giving it a deeper, richer color, and a new character.
It was time for it to rain. The plants needed it. And so did the people of San Francisco. They needed to bathe and wash their chilly, dirty streets.
Rain has a way of comforting the soul. It slips people a reason to daydream and come up with a thousand other things they would rather be doing than going to work in the rain.
A perfect day to curl up and watch a movie with your love. Maybe even bake some cookies, play a game, read a book, or catch up on that Blog you meant to write last week.
On a Tuesday though... oh rain. Come again another day when we can stay in and play.
Still, it was nice to see you stick around all day. You weathered us well and gave us plenty to drink and enough to wash our hands and streets.
This is so lovely! I love thinking about all that rain washing our hands and our streets! I was wishing all day yesterday that I could have been home under my covers listening to the wonderful rain!