Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I see it as a promise

I wanted to title this blog blurp "shame". It's not a very nice word, that's for sure. It has an onomatopoeia quality to it that evokes fear, sadness, and disappointment. No, I don't like shame.

I was going to name this post "shame on me".... Because I had wanted to keep this blog thing going. Give it a real solid shot by writing regularly. Oh, how easy it is to put things off, especially when I was planning the wedding and trying to do a hundred other things. Too many excuses, and an exhausting list of ideas to write about. So, I wrote nothing at all. It makes complete sense.

Instead of the shameful word of shame, I have decided to look at this as a promise. It's a very Buddhist approach, but one that feels more inviting. I may even want to stay a while. I would like to write often. So, this is a promise, a working promise to write more and capture the things in my life that I try so hard to savor.

I have been incorporating meditation into my life again recently. And it makes me feel grounded and aware. I miss it, and miss the things that I was able to see, do, and feel when I had the practice of sitting in my life. It's amazingly powerful what a little sitting can do for one's soul.

Here's to working promises, writing, sitting, and loving.

1 comment:

  1. love it. So happy to see that you are writing again. I love reading along with you. Meditation seems like a beautiful thing, I would love to get better at sitting and being still!
